Pubblicazioni Istituto di Psicosintesi

Freedom in Jail

Roberto Assagioli intended that his “prison diary” might become an autobiographical account of the time he spent in Regina Coeli prison under the fascist regime in 1940. Now held in the Archivio Assagioli in Florence and curated by Gruppo alle Fonti, the manuscript was never completed.

Nevertheless, Freedom in Jail offers a vivid picture of Assagioli’s experience through multiple lenses – from the raw concreteness of everyday events to his interior world. Throughout his testimony, Assagioli offers a personal example of how to use difficult life events as an opportunity to develop one's personal and spiritual psychosynthesis.
Freedom in Jail also provides - for the first time - an intimate look at Assagioli's own trials and profound insights as he uses his psychosynthesis concepts and techniques towards personal transformation and self-realization.

This book is a priceless testimony for anyone wanting to learn the process through which Roberto Assagioli realized “inner freedom, pure freedom… attained rising above the fetters, a sense of expansion…”

Edited, annotated and introduced by Catherine Ann Lombard, Freedom in Jail is available in English, the original language of Assagioli’s manuscript.

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